Becoming an Ethical Hacker in 8 Months: A Comprehensive Roadmap

Becoming an Ethical Hacker in 8 Months: A Comprehensive Roadmap

Deepanshu Pathak
By -

Becoming an Ethical Hacker in 8 Months: A Comprehensive Roadmap

 How to Become an Ethical Hacker in 8 Months

 1.   Start from the Basics (Month 1)
-Basic Computer Skills
-Intro to Cybersecurity
-CIA Triads
-Intro to Ethical Hacking
-Phases of Ethical Hacking.

2.  Learn Networking Concepts (Month 2)
-Network Basics
-IP and MAC Address 
-OSI Model
-TCP and UDP

3.   Learn some Programming Languages (Month 3 & 4)
-Shell Scripting 

4. Database Skills (Month 5)

5.  Get Hands-on Experience (Month 6 &7)
-Get well versed on Kali Linux
-Practice on Platforms like TryHackMe and HackTheBox e.t.c.

6.  Explore other Cybersecurity Techniques (Month 8)
-Password Cracking
-WI-FI Hacking
-Web Hacking
-Social Engineering
-Dark Web
-Google Dorking

😎 Note- The Learning Process Never Ends.... It Keeps Going Like that


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